Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Birthday T!

Yesterday was T's birthday!
Mike called from Iraq before school to tell him happy birthday.
Nana sent him a quilt.
Chet called from Alaska to tell him happy birthday too.
He wanted Chinese for dinner so we went to a chinese buffet. They had sushi too and I convinced several of my boys to try some.
Later T and I were playing World of Warcraft on separate computers. This is an online game where you interact with other people who are playing online. I knew T's character, Fireicenigh, was in Storwind City. Stormwind City, along with all the other areas. has a chat where you can type in something and eveyone who is in the city at that time will see it. This may be 100 people or more easily.
So I went to Stormwind and typed in the City's chat that it was his birthday. I wished Fireicenigh happy birthday several times over the city chat.
Other people joined in and told him happy birthday too. He even got offers to give him birthday spankings.
After several minutes of this he typed in "Ok, I get it Mom".
Everyone thought that was pretty funny too, and I got a good laugh out of it.
Happy Birthday T. I hope it's a good year and you get everything you want out of it.

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