Except we do know that Sister Chesney (far right) is going home. (Hooray for her!)
I will miss her because she has been around for a few months and I have become rather fond of her. But I am pretty sure I will get to keep Sister Bangerter for a few more months.
On the left are our Elders Ord (far left) and Taylor (taller than Ord). We have enjoyed both of them. Hopefully we will get to keep at least one of them for a little while longer.
Sister Bangerter has come up with a new use for duct tape that I have not seen before.
She made a cover for her scriptures. Notice the bright green of her quad. No, they are not being sold in that color now. And no, her scriptures were not falling apart. She made a removeable cover for them out of green duct tape. Very inventive. She has even gotten requests from ward members to make covers for them.
I am pretty sure nothing would keep her scriptures safer than duct tape. At least no earthly intervention anyway.
Sister Chesney, (or Kimberly as we can soon call you): Good luck in the real world. We will miss you here in VA.
Wow, Jim wants the instructions for his duct tape book.
That's cool.--Liz
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